"For I am a Star Child, I am of all things.
I am the sky, wind and the golden Sun.
I am all things-
I will always be with you,
...And always a part of you.
I will be the music you hear.
The landscape you see.
The delicious food you eat.
I am there and even here...
I am that large beautiful Rose,
Neatly in a vase, that you smell.
I float in and out on a pure white cloud-
One that gives you rain,
To norish and quench your thirst.
I am tickling your memory.
You see, it is the wonderfulness of me.
I am knocking at your heart-
Please won't you let me in?
It is My Loving and Living Memory,
I want you to know.
I am your saviour, Jesus standing at your Door.
I love you unconditonally forever and Ever."
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