Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Poem of the day:
by @[1067176751:Kate Niemann Theis] 2011@copywrite

Went to the beach the other day-
Saw a strange little bird along the way.
I could hear the churpping, as a struggling chatter.
I stopped to ask, 'What is the matter'?
It was stuck to a piece of packing tape.
Poor thing seemed to know it's fate.
Struggling, hopping and crying soulfully too-
Oh, my God, what do I do?
I calmly stopped to gently pick it up-
I could see it's wing was badly stuck.
In my hands I was able to calm it down.
I released it's wing and returned it to the ground.
Gratefully it flew right back on to me-
Looking right in my eyes so I could see,
The love and the trust it gave back to me.
For everyday we were soulfully connected
It sang to me and I whistled in perfection.
No matter who, what or why- take time to make
a difference when some one has a need, even if
it is just because...God loves you and so do I."

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