The tropical sky is as beautiful as a watercolor.
All the colors washed together in a rainbow.
The sun is about to kiss the endless horizon.
It's rays shimmer as it slides across the waters.
A soft breeze floats through and tickles my hair.
Oh, the sweet tangerines and tropical flowers fill my senses.
Makes me feel peacefulness and yet I am so very sad.
The mist of the falls float softly across my face.
So soothing as it mixes the ambiance of this place.
I hear the solo pan flute off in the far distance.
Carrying a tune of a love and then loss so griping.
It cries and hums through the tall tropical trees.
With shadows of the last sun rays dimming as they slowly fade away.
I know and realize for the first time I am really alone.
The sounds of the deep blackness of the night creep in on me.
Crickets and frogs seem to sing in such sad harmony.
With the moon actually looking down and smiling at me.
I do feel the cool sand that fills in between my toes,
And all I want so very much is for you to be here with me.
But I deeply feel my heart breaking-
The stillness of our voices will never again be.
What really went wrong and I wonder for how long?
I truly gave my best, as best as I could.
But You decided it was over and was no longer any good.
How does one ask you to pack it up and just walk away?
And never even to let you have a thing to say.
Oh, the ocean tides have come crashing in on me.
And the tropical skies, the smells and all of our memories,
Are all I have left like pictures in my mind,
This is what I was left with for my efforts and 10 years of time.
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